Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of JM Aggressive Hybrid Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 111.2834
24-02-2025 111.2663
21-02-2025 111.9144
20-02-2025 112.3796
19-02-2025 111.7053
18-02-2025 110.7798
17-02-2025 111.3269
14-02-2025 111.4558
13-02-2025 113.0052
12-02-2025 113.1434
11-02-2025 113.4345
10-02-2025 115.7948
07-02-2025 117.1716
06-02-2025 117.3895
05-02-2025 117.5057
04-02-2025 116.8835
03-02-2025 115.9698
31-01-2025 115.689
30-01-2025 114.6929
29-01-2025 114.6836
28-01-2025 112.7827
27-01-2025 113.0186
24-01-2025 115.1249
23-01-2025 116.3116
22-01-2025 115.6275
21-01-2025 115.9361
20-01-2025 117.6605
17-01-2025 117.5503
16-01-2025 118.2238
15-01-2025 117.5164
14-01-2025 117.2335
13-01-2025 116.3374
10-01-2025 119.4173
09-01-2025 120.7815
08-01-2025 121.718
07-01-2025 122.4979
06-01-2025 122.1632
03-01-2025 124.3038
02-01-2025 124.8877
01-01-2025 124.2604
31-12-2024 123.7086
30-12-2024 123.9121
27-12-2024 124.258
26-12-2024 123.7497
24-12-2024 123.6612
23-12-2024 123.3512
20-12-2024 123.2263
19-12-2024 125.0054
18-12-2024 125.8404
17-12-2024 126.858
16-12-2024 127.7558
13-12-2024 127.3853
12-12-2024 126.9629
11-12-2024 127.6078
10-12-2024 127.4977
09-12-2024 127.4871
06-12-2024 127.0856
05-12-2024 126.4278
04-12-2024 125.9147
03-12-2024 125.5342
02-12-2024 125.0975
29-11-2024 124.0829
28-11-2024 123.5328
27-11-2024 124.0157
26-11-2024 123.4062
25-11-2024 123.1741
22-11-2024 122.0711
21-11-2024 120.8492
19-11-2024 121.3817
18-11-2024 120.5901
14-11-2024 121.0547
13-11-2024 121.0931
12-11-2024 122.8592
11-11-2024 124.2242
08-11-2024 124.6119
07-11-2024 125.1452
06-11-2024 125.7361
05-11-2024 124.355
04-11-2024 123.893
31-10-2024 124.4373
30-10-2024 124.5654
29-10-2024 124.9445
28-10-2024 124.2429
25-10-2024 123.9759
24-10-2024 125.0922
23-10-2024 125.6399
22-10-2024 125.0295
21-10-2024 127.0053
18-10-2024 127.2153
17-10-2024 127.2241
16-10-2024 128.6773
15-10-2024 128.5447
14-10-2024 127.7585
11-10-2024 127.3002
10-10-2024 127.2118
09-10-2024 127.0579
08-10-2024 126.6024
07-10-2024 124.5249
04-10-2024 126.7073
03-10-2024 127.3936
01-10-2024 129.253
30-09-2024 128.5261
27-09-2024 129.3511
26-09-2024 129.5137
25-09-2024 129.9815
24-09-2024 130.3049
23-09-2024 130.5442
20-09-2024 130.0427
19-09-2024 128.7011
18-09-2024 128.985
17-09-2024 129.605
16-09-2024 129.6599
13-09-2024 130.1411
12-09-2024 129.975
11-09-2024 128.9066
10-09-2024 129.3282
09-09-2024 128.3144
06-09-2024 128.5651
05-09-2024 129.8007
04-09-2024 129.4077
03-09-2024 129.4712
02-09-2024 128.9563
30-08-2024 129.6289
29-08-2024 128.9815
28-08-2024 129.2492
27-08-2024 129.1699
26-08-2024 129.1104
23-08-2024 128.9023
22-08-2024 129.1925
21-08-2024 128.6591
20-08-2024 128.4341
19-08-2024 127.5905
16-08-2024 126.3742
14-08-2024 123.9074
13-08-2024 124.1663
12-08-2024 125.1598
09-08-2024 124.8935
08-08-2024 124.3346
07-08-2024 124.8344
06-08-2024 122.4868
05-08-2024 122.9132
02-08-2024 125.9637
01-08-2024 126.6226
31-07-2024 127.4242
30-07-2024 127.4116
29-07-2024 127.3672
26-07-2024 126.9398
25-07-2024 125.4828
24-07-2024 124.7555
23-07-2024 123.8175
22-07-2024 124.41
19-07-2024 123.7667
18-07-2024 125.1308
16-07-2024 125.4751
15-07-2024 125.6931
12-07-2024 125.3416
11-07-2024 125.3825
10-07-2024 124.9155
09-07-2024 125.284
08-07-2024 125.1329
05-07-2024 125.0511
04-07-2024 124.9729
03-07-2024 124.8404
02-07-2024 124.3129
01-07-2024 124.2379
28-06-2024 122.5974
27-06-2024 122.4378
26-06-2024 122.1813
25-06-2024 122.4597
24-06-2024 122.5764
21-06-2024 122.3764
20-06-2024 122.464
19-06-2024 121.8996
18-06-2024 122.2508
14-06-2024 122.138
13-06-2024 120.9193
12-06-2024 120.2893
11-06-2024 119.7856
10-06-2024 119.0537
07-06-2024 118.7138
06-06-2024 116.8211
05-06-2024 115.033
04-06-2024 111.5705
03-06-2024 117.8233
31-05-2024 115.3426
30-05-2024 114.8771
29-05-2024 115.9192
28-05-2024 116.3798
27-05-2024 117.0586
24-05-2024 116.7701
23-05-2024 116.6026
22-05-2024 116.0441
21-05-2024 115.9984
17-05-2024 115.9407
16-05-2024 114.5668
15-05-2024 113.9671
14-05-2024 113.0142
13-05-2024 111.8191
10-05-2024 111.693
09-05-2024 111.248
08-05-2024 112.9332
07-05-2024 111.6972
06-05-2024 112.8617
03-05-2024 113.6073
02-05-2024 114.0853
30-04-2024 113.5002
29-04-2024 113.0185
26-04-2024 112.0953
25-04-2024 111.9444
24-04-2024 111.044
23-04-2024 110.6898
22-04-2024 109.5538
19-04-2024 108.1359
18-04-2024 108.0923
16-04-2024 107.7742
15-04-2024 107.6877
12-04-2024 108.8103
10-04-2024 109.5877
09-04-2024 108.822
08-04-2024 108.8095
05-04-2024 108.5445
04-04-2024 108.5659
03-04-2024 108.2356
02-04-2024 107.4186
01-04-2024 107.2157
31-03-2024 105.8552
28-03-2024 105.8611
27-03-2024 105.0639
26-03-2024 105.2892

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